DeutschlandTicket Sozial

We offer public transport for everyone – and affordable for everyone!

DeutschlandTicket Sozial – A ticket for everyone, at a reasonable price!

If you’re one of the persons eligible for this ticket, you can apply for the DeutschlandTicket Sozial for just 49 euros a month at our Customer Center. Simply bring your eligibility certificate with you and buy your ticket for mobility throughout Germany.

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The DeutschlandTicket Sozial is a regular DeutschlandTicket that allows you to travel as often and for as long as you like on public transport and regional rail services throughout Germany. 

The only difference is the price. The DeutschlandTicket Sozial costs just 39 euros a month, which is 10 euros less than a normal DeutschlandTicket. If you are eligible for a DeutschlandTicket Sozial, you can now easily apply for it at our service point in the Monheim Rathauscenter shopping mall.

Highlights of the DeutschlandTicket Sozial

  • Just 39 euros per month (instead of 49 euros) per calendar month for those entitled to it
  • Hassle-free subscription
  • Can be canceled by the 10th of each month
  • No minimum subscription term
  • Validity: Around the clock on public transport and regional rail services throughout Germany
  • Bicycle transport in North Rhine-Westphalia and 1st class travel possible with NRWupgradeFahrrad and NRWupgrade1.Klasse 
  • In the event of a delay, you are entitled to make use of the 

    mobility guarantee

Who is eligible for DeutschlandTicket Sozial?

  • Recipients of unemployment benefit (Arbeitslosengeld II), citizen’s allowance (Bürgergeld) and social allowance (Sozialgeld SGB II)
  • Recipients of social benefits (Sozialhilfe SGB XII)
  • Recipients of housing allowance (Wohngeld)
  • Those eligible for benefits according to German Social Code (Sozialgesetzbuch, SGB VIII)
  • Those eligible for benefits according to the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz)
  • Those eligible for benefits according to the Federal Pension Act (Bundesversorgungsgesetz)


As an eligible citizen of Monheim am Rhein and Langenfeld, you can easily apply for the DeutschlandTicket Sozial with your eligibility certificate at our Customer Center.

To the Customer Center

You can get your eligibility certificate from your local authority. After we have successfully verified it, we will issue you your DeutschlandTicket Sozial.

Do you have any questions? 

You are welcome to call us on +49 2173 9574-10  or send us an  email.

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